6500+IL In-Line Smoke Opacity Meter
The 6500+ is a seamless transformation from our dependable system of the past. Featuring a totally refreshed internal design with the latest components and technologies, the 6500+ provides a reliable, accurate portable system with exceptional customer service into the future.
The Model 6500+ accurately detects, measures, and provides a visual read-out of the opacity of smoke emitted by diesel engines. In addition, it is an excellent indication of the combustion efficiency of the vehicle, encouraging maintenance for greater fuel efficiency.
The system complete with a PC interface cable and software set, that allows the user to download stored test results to a PC for archiving or printing. You may print results on 8 1/2 x 11 letterhead with your company logo and address, to encourage repeat business from your customers.
The interface program also contains an easy to use ambient correction calculator to adjust opacity readings taken in higher elevations.
All Wager meters are designed and manufactured under the Robert H. Wager Company name only.
Easy to Operate
Low Maintenance
Interface to CPU
0-1 Volt Analog Retransmission Output
Available in 220V
Reads in density and opacity
Other sensor head styles are available.
Model 6500-IL Smoke Meter Complete Includes:
(Part No. 194-6500-il)
Control Unit
Power Supply Transformer
50 Ft. Heavy Duty Shielded Cable
Calibration Filter Assembly
Receiving Unit - (Water Cooled Optional)
Light Unit - (Water Cooled Optional)
Rack Mount - Optional
Stack piece